Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mummy Time and Deoderant!

I recently saw a comment by Susan Wise Bauer saying she is a discouraged by the polarization in the homeschooling community between the build-God’s-kingdom-through-home-schooling homeschoolers and the back-to-the-earth, drop-out-of-the-system kind of homeschoolers. She doesn't want to speak at conferences anymore because the religious homeschoolers want to censor her content and certain materials she brings for sale. Neither does she relate to those homeschoolers who just want to opt out of the system. I hate to put myself in a box but today I made homemade deodorant with probiotics. I don't want to be reliant on commercial deodorants that contain some nasty ingredients. Am I giving myself away?

Also my daughter, who incidentally turned thirteen today has been wearing homemade deodorant for months now and has a diet that puts me to shame. I thought I would stop hiding behind my "having no time" excuses and make my own batch of deodorant. It was very easy to make. I did choose the recipe with expensive ingredients. By the thirtieth batch (a 10 year supply) I should be manufacturing deodorant cheaper than commercial deodorant. I made it because all the deodorants I have been buying at Wholefoods only work for a couple of hours. I definitely need an all day solution.

I have a couple of blogs I like that inspire me to be a better, healthier person. One is called Easy Peasy Organic. It's an Australian blog. I am very envious of her...Amanda!  She has a huge cool factor. I still shop at Walmart. Today she had a fab oatmeal recipe and a clip of this very cool Australian musician duo called Busby Marou . They do have their own album and write original songs but I liked this Cyndi Lauper cover especially as today I totally did want to have fun all by myself. I loved the Australian accents.  It made me think of home.

The other site is where I found my deodorant recipe Sustainably Frugal.

The recipe contains cocoa butter. It smells like dark chocolate. I don't recommend eating it. It didn't taste as good as it smells. The ingredients looked so good when I mixed it up, just like a creme brûlée custard.
I had to stop myself putting a finger in. Now I have a little jar of goodness. I might even make a label!


  1. I love the design of your blog! I am a big fan of dynamic views. After seeing your picture I may have to tweak my recipe a looks gorgeous (who would have thought I would think that of deodorant!)

  2. Go you!! I am now inspired yet again to start a blog. Some day I'll actually do it. Happy birthday to your teenager. Holy moly! That deo looks delicious and I love your blog layout.

  3. Thank you, ladies for the encouragement! I am trying to get the hang of this! It is fun...and so nice of you to comment. :)
