Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Huckleberry Hill Project

This fall I am launching an experiential learning project.

The Huckleberry Hill Project is going to consist of a few like-minded families who want to help their children discover more about who they are and what journey they are on in life.  We want to provide the perfect environment for children to incubate their own unique ideas about how to make the world a better place. We all as humans have inner drives and get energy from creating, inventing and sharing our dreams.  We want to provide our children with the skills and support, trust and the benefit of our experience, so that they can go out directly into the world and turn their dreams into reality.

These dreams will be a unique manifestation out of the psyche of each child.  Some of the children already have projects in mind, some of the projects are already underway and for some of the children the 'big' idea hasn't bubbled up inside them yet.  For those not ready to launch their idea, we as a community are also undertaking a project that the children will be working on.

We are planning to make a documentary about how to cure the preventable disease of Type II Diabetes, through eating home and locally grown food, children educating other children, and other initiatives the group comes up with.  Through this project, we will all be educated on health and all aspects of this very important issue. We have local technology companies that will come in and teach documentary making, we have access to film labs and we have film makers in our parent body.  We are planning to enter the documentary in the Connecticut Film Festival in Danbury, April 2013.

We are hoping to be based at a local sustainable farm in Wilton.  All of this is in the works and it is very exciting.

Claire, has already started her 'big' idea.  Her goal is to rescue ten dogs from certain euthanasia over the next year (and continue beyond).  Her company is called Lucky Tails Animal Rescue.  In order to do this she has been exceptionally busy, researching, putting together a business plan, writing letters to animal shelters, foster families, vets, interviewing her mentors (at other rescue organizations) and emailing all the people she knows to get her vision underway.  She is working on her website and today convinced an animal shelter in Hartford to work with her.  There are definitely moments when I forget she just turned 13.  Her determination leaves me in the dust.  There is no doubt in my mind that she will reach her goal.


  1. You crack me up! It is exciting. Yay! Thanks for commenting. :)

  2. Chills! I totally have chills. You worded this so beautifully. I am so happy to be a part of this!!!!!


  3. Hi!

    I'm stopping over after reading about your project on Jessica's blog. What an awesome amazing project you have dreamed up! What an incredible way for kids to learn and dream while doing something that really matters. I'm looking forward to reading more about your journey.

  4. Thank you, Chris! So nice of you to drop by and comment. I feel really good about this project and I am so grateful to have someone as awesome as Jessica (and her family) to do it with. I am sure we will be documenting our every step. :)

  5. This sounds so incredible! I wish I lived near you so my family could join in.

  6. Thanks Diane. I wish you were closer too! I enjoyed looking through your blog! It's so nice when people make the effort to comment. Thank you,
