Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tour of the Ridgehill Animal Hospital

We were very lucky to have a wonderful tour of the Ridgehill Animal Hospital.  Our good friend and dog lover, Marlin gave Claire and Tristan a tour of the facility.  I have never been in an animal hospital and it was fascinating.  We weren't expecting a tour and were delighted to be shown around. We saw where Lucky was operated on. We saw a large Rottweiler getting this shots. 

We saw a cat that had just been euthanized. :(

Marlin showed us the food Lucky had been eating at the hospital.

My children were fascinated by the food.  There were rooms filled with food and supplies. So much food!!

We were shown every room in the hospital from quarantine to the front desk.  It was a great tour!  Thank you, Marlin!  Claire was invited back to watch surgery and have an educational field trip. She can not wait to go and spend the day there.


  1. I love moments like this - when opportunity collides head on into passion.

  2. Oh....I just noticed your new header! I LOVE it. You have to show me how to fit the picture like that. I have never been able to make it work.....
