Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lucky: The First Rescue

On Monday we all went down to the Bridgeport Animal Shelter and picked up Lucky.  Lucky is a three legged, two year old Pitbull.  She instantly stole Claire's heart when we went to the shelter last week.  She was in an enclosure surrounded by large barking dogs.  She was small and skinny,  and with only one leg she seemed in need of a lot of love.  We instantly felt that she had little chance of being rescued amongst all the other four legged dogs.  We took her outside to assess her personality and found that she is full of energy and love.  She has the longest tongue I have ever seen on a dog and a constantly wagging tail.  We loved watching her smile.  Her whole face smiles. We thought about it over the weekend and after getting a lot of feedback and information from our special friends, Claire decided to go ahead and see if Lucky and our own dog, Tuggles would get along.

After about 10 minutes and a lot of smelling each other they became firm friends.  We decided to take her and filled out the paper work.  We got as many details as possible about her.  She was owner surrendered because the family was moving.  Her front leg was amputated at 4 months old. We don't know the reason. She is also very thin.  She has been in the shelter for two months.  While we were there we met some ladies from Bully Breed Rescue in New Canaan.  This is a good place to find a Pitbull mix.

Our first stop was to the Ridgehill Animal Hospital in North Haven.  Our good friends own the hospital and have partnered with Claire and Lucky Tails  to provide subsidized vet care for the dogs she rescues.  We are profusely grateful for their generosity and support.

Lucky has already had one litter and we needed to spay her as soon as possible.  We were given no vet history on her so she needed to be given her shots and be checked for parasites and other nasties.  Her surgery went well and we are bringing her home today.

Meanwhile Claire has been busy trying to get approval to post her dogs on different websites such as Petfinder and Paws, a local adoption agency.  She has been talking to an attorney to find out whether she can have executive control of the company (being 13) and how she should set up the corporation.  It has not been straight forward. Luckily we have a month of inexpensive attorney support!  I have never done this before either.  People have been calling us wanting to know if Claire can find them a particular breed of dog.  And she has a bunch of thank you letters to write as people have been donating to her website.

I am glad she is starting this endeavor during the summer when her work load is diminished.  I am starting to worry that she won't have time to do her regular work on top of this project.  "I will" she told me.  I asked her if she thought all of this work was worth it.  She said that it is not work to her, that saving dogs is exactly what she wants to do and that she is fulfilling a higher spiritual purpose.  It feels good to the core.  It is hard to argue with that.


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