Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vet Explo

I dropped Claire off in camp today. 

Not surprisingly, she wanted to go to vet camp.  We were pointed in the direction of Explo.  Explo offers camps at colleges in our area that either have a professional focus or offer extraordinary experiences that children wouldn't usually be exposed to in everyday life.

This was the description of the camp.  We knew right away this was the one.

The Animal Whisperer
Come work with professional veterinarians, diagnose animal diseases, set broken limbs — and launch your career in animal health care. We know you love animals. This is your chance to discover how to care for them, understand them, and yes, even heal them.
Join us at the zoo, in the wild, at the clinic, and in the shelter. We'll show you up-close the life of a veterinarian — diagnose animal diseases, set broken limbs, perform life saving CPR... and prepare lunch for an orangutan.
Get Animals on the Mend
  • Get certified in pet First Aid + CPR
  • Interview veterinarians about their training, practice, and daily challenges
  • Master the lasso and learn how to use a blow gun to anesthetize zoo animals for treatment
  • Study the medical/dietary needs of pets at rescue shelters
  • Practice treating and suturing a wound
  • Take vital signs and perform snout-to-tail assessments on cats and dogs
  • Participate in parasitology, radiology and hematology labs
  • Work in vet teams to solve challenging medical cases
  • Visit the American Rescue League and a working farm
  • Dissect and examine the anatomy of a variety of species

  "Did you learn Latin at school, Mum?"  she asked.
  "I wonder what that means.  That is the first thing I am going to work out here!" she said.

This a very well organized camp.  There are only 18 children.  The counselors look very "Disney".  Well dressed and clean cut. Comforting.  The Dean of Explo was there. I was able to help her unpack.

  "Three hair brushes, Mum, really?????"  OK.  I wanted to make sure I didn't pack the "wrong" one.

  Soon everything was in order and she felt settled in.

  We said our last minute good-byes.  No tears.  This is an exciting opportunity.

   She was escorted to the quad to join the group.  I snuck around the corner and came back to take a quick picture. The counselors were nice about it.  I guess they are used to helicopter parents.

   The counselor assured me they would call in a day or two to let us know how things are going. I am sure she is going to have a great time.

I am already looking forward to picking her up.


  1. I cannot wait to hear about this experience! She is going to come home even more fired-up for this project of hers.....

  2. It was a bit difficult driving away. But she is allowed to use an iPad (which has 3G!) That means she can email us and we have had little updates. YAY. The food is crappy but OK. There is A/C. Eleanor, her room mate is nice and it is all good!
