Underdogs to the Rescue arrive! |
Just in case you thought that Lucky Tails might be slowing down, I have a little update. Now an official Animal Importer, Claire has reached out to some other high kill shelters, one in Ohio and a second one in North Carolina. She wants to expand her network and options. One of the shelters requires an operations manual from her rescue which she is working on. Yesterday a shipment of 4 dogs arrived from Georgia.
This is Mocha (our foster dog) |
Claire wants to be recognized as a responsible rescue organization. She has tweaked her protocol to make sure that she conducts her business to the highest standards that she can, including microchipping her dogs.
This little cutie (not ours) came with its Mom. |
All out of state dogs are immediately delivered to her partner animal hospital. There the dogs are bathed and undergo a wellness exam. Comprehensive fecal tests and any other tests deemed necessary by the vet are administered and all the dogs are microchipped.
The dogs are delivered to the foster homes where they stay for a while to get used to being in a family. This way Claire gets accurate information about the personalities of the dogs and whether they are suitable for families with children, good with other dogs and cats and how well mannered they are. The dogs stay in foster care until Claire is confident that treatable health issues have been resolved and she has found a well matched adoptive family.
Claire rarely makes any money through this process. Any gains quickly goes into vet bills for dogs who need extra care, such as Molly who needed teeth pulling and Jesse who had a lipoma. Thanks to the generosity of family and kind friends (especially the generous support of the Cosar family and their staff at Ridgehill Animal Hospital) Claire has been able to collect enough donations to make it all happen. Thank you!
Washing the dogs here is much better than in our bathtub at home! |
It took two vets 1.5 hours to process 4 dogs |
You must be so proud. She is doing such a wonderful thing with rescueing these animals and finding them new homes. The four that came from Georgia, did they happen to come from Clarkesville (Habersham County)? I know that our county kill animal shelter routinely ships dogs all over the country to have a better chance at adoption, especially up in the northern states that have stricter enforcement of spaying and neutering. Typically there are not enough puppies or dogs for adoption in those areas. Tell her to keep up the good work. I so enjoy reading about everything she is accomplishing.
Thank you Diane, for your lovely comment. I am proud of her. She is learning a lot and so lucky to be able to do it. She is realizing that it is a lot of work and not all of it is fun. She is definitely getting wonderful experience and is lucky to be able to work with animals. She has three locations out of State she is going to be pulling from. In GA she gets them from Coweta Animal Control which I believe is in Newnan. She has not found it hard to find homes for most of her dogs. Some of course are much easier than others. I think training the dogs to live with a family, toilet training and manners is the most difficult part, as you don't know exactly what you are getting until they come and some of them are not used to being in a family. It takes time, but it is very rewarding to see them off in a great new family. Thank you for your well wishes.