Raphael explained that guard dogs are a status symbol in Bridgeport. Some people get the dogs, don't neuter them and keep them for a while. If they are difficult to manage or the people go away, the dogs are often left on the streets and end up in the pound. Most of the Pitbulls are not raised to be a family pet but that is not to say there are are no loving, sweet Pitbulls.
Lucky Tails is not a Pitbull rescue. Claire rescues all breeds in need, but they must be gentle and sweet natured. She wants to feel comfortable her dogs will make good companions and that the family knows what kind of dog they are getting. She felt an immediate bond with this one.
We found Jessie in a row of Pitbulls. We are not sure of her breed. She is a combination of several breeds. She was nervous as we put the leash on her. We took her for a walk, talked to and petted her. She stood still yet her legs would shake. She tried to be happy, yet we could tell she was uneasy. She smiled at us though and we immediately bonded with her.
She is an older dog. We think she is about 4-5 years old. She has a couple of issues, dirty teeth and lipomas (we think) which we will take care of at the vet. She is a very sweet girl. She met Tuggles and was fine. Tuggles is usually nervous with new dogs but didn't mind her at all and they jumped in the back of the car and snuggled together in the crate.
Luckily she had organized to get some publicity at the local papers last week. Yesterday the first article came out in the local paper of our neighboring town. Today her article is on the front page of our local paper. Hopefully she will find some more foster families and the publicity might interest people in donating to help get enough money to cover Jessie's costs. She raised $65 in donations this week and is always happy to dip into her savings to cover costs.
And today Jessie is having her surgery. Claire is observing the lipoma removal and dental work. She has researched the procedures and is ecstatic to be able to observe and participate in her rescue dogs journey to health and a happy future. We are forever grateful to the Cosar's for their generosity and help in Claire's education in her area of passion.
Claire's friend, Marlin suggested she post her dogs on Craig's List. So far she has had two inquiries into adopting Jessie. Her marketing seems to be working and it is very exciting to have all sorts of possibilities opening up.
It has been very exciting.
OMG! Her newspaper article was amazing! I am so so proud of her. As for helping her out, we love it! We can not think of a better way to help a kid on her homeschooling journey in our little bubble of friends. I am really glad that we have the ability to be part of the lucky tails network.